Conflict and violence are the biggest drivers of food insecurity around the world: where there is conflict, there is hunger

In 2023, 282 million people around the world were affected by acute hunger. Conflict remained the highest driver of hunger for 135 million people, and these numbers have been rising year on year. More needs to be done to protect civilians and food security from the harmful conduct of conflict parties.

The Global Coalition against Conflict and Hunger is a group of Civil Society Organizations, dedicated to advocating together for the promotion and respect of humanitarian principles and standards.

Our mission

Our mission is to reduce the impact of conflict and violence on food security and nutrition by driving anticipatory and reactive political action, and to promote the respect of international humanitarian law by parties to armed conflicts. We are committed to working on the prohibition of starvation as a weapon of war, and the protection of civilians and the humanitarian space in conflict contexts.

We do this by

1. Advocacy
Undertaking joint or coordinated advocacy at global, regional and national levels.
2. Evidence
Gathering and building evidence through joint data collection, sharing and analysis, which we use in private and public reports
3. Collaboration
Strengthening civil society collaboration on the topic of conflict and hunger and coordinating initiatives and activities at the global and regional levels

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